Samples of previous work
Board Governance
The governing documents of an organization are the foundation the program pillars stand on to succeed. A strong foundation supports stronger programs. Pillar and Stone Strategies has assisted organizations to update their documents, which led to updating their vision, strategy, and work plans to focus on the targeted success. (Click the pdf for a preview).

Minority Business Accelerator Program
Pillar and Stone Strategies has taken an idea and managed it to a strong program impacting the minority business community. The sustainable results have minority companies empowered through economic success; strengthening the ability to determine their business success; strengthening the ability in determining their business and personal future. (Click the pdf for a preview).

Factors Influencing for Organization Success
Pillar and Stone Strategies conducted an in-depth study of the factors that influence organizational effectiveness. Based on research involving organization CEOs and board Chairperson, over 20 factors were identified, and the top five factors were researched further for more detail for targeted results. This research has been used to create a Doctoral level class on board engagement and responsibilities titles "Bored, Boring, or On Board?" (Click the pdf for a preview).

Metro City Chamber of Commerce
Pillar and Stone Strategies was engaged to consult with a Chamber CEO to identify and clarify the relationship and roles of the board and the CEO. This six-month project aligned the strengths of each leadership role for a united success strategy.